Comprehensive Admission Agreement for Qurate Educational Programs

This Admission Agreement (‘Agreement’) is made this …….day of ……………., 2024 between Qurate (‘Institution’) and the undersigned student (‘Student’).

  1. Program Overview and Enrollment Terms:


   – Qurate offers a diverse range of educational programs, each program is designed to provide students with comprehensive skills and knowledge in their chosen field. The Student understands that these Programs include self-paced learning, instructor-led classes, as well as a mentorship program.

   – Enrollment in Qurate programs requires students to meet specific educational prerequisites, demonstrate technological proficiency, and complete an enrollment application by the specified deadlines and Qurate reserves the EXCLUSIVE right to determine the suitability of a Student for admission into any of its programs and also reserves the EXCLUSIVE right to carry out disciplinary action against a Student (including suspension and expulsion in deserving cases).

2. Fees and Payment Terms:

   – The fee structure for each program includes tuition, administrative fees, and potential additional costs associated with specialized materials or resources. Qurate reserves the right to adjust fees for future terms without prior notice to the students.

   – The Student understands and accepts that Payments are due in accordance with the schedule outlined at the time of enrollment and only complete payment of fees validates the admission of any student.

-The Accepted methods of payment include; credit card, bank transfer, and other digital payment platforms acceptable to Qurate. Student agrees that Late or missed payments may result in additional charges or suspension of program access, subject to the exclusive discretion of Qurate at all times.

-All payments once made by the Student are non-refundable and non-transferable.

3. No Job Guarantee Disclaimer (Self-paced and Instructor-led Programs):

   – While Qurate’s self-paced and instructor-led programs are designed to provide valuable skills and knowledge, however, this does not in any way whatsoever confer on the student a job guarantee by Qurate. Students are therefore advised and encouraged to utilize Qurate’s career resources for job search assistance, with no guarantee and assurance from Qurate.

   – Qurate is not liable for the employment outcomes of students upon completion of their selected programs and Qurate is completely absolved of any responsibility with respect to the employment outcome of students.

4. Limitation of Liability for AI Content:

   – The student understands that  Qurate employs advanced AI technologies, including Large Language Models, to enhance the learning experience. However, while these technologies are a valuable educational tool, they may occasionally produce inaccurate or irrelevant content.

   – In all such cases of error and inaccurate or irrelevant content, Qurate shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or damages resulting from reliance on such AI-generated content. Students are therefore encouraged to critically assess all information and consult with instructors as circumstances may from time to time require.

5. Student Responsibilities and Conduct:

   – Students are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity, respect for peers and instructors, and active engagement in all learning activities. Qurate’s code of conduct provides a detailed overview of these expectations and all students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of Qurate’s code of conduct as well as sanctions contained therein.

   – Failure to adhere to these standards may result in disciplinary action, which may include; warning, probation, or dismissal from the program as may be considered appropriate by Qurate.

6. Intellectual Property Rights:

   – Qurate retains all rights to course materials, including lectures, resources, and assessments. Students retain rights to their original works submitted during the program but the student grants to  Qurate a non-exclusive license to use these works for educational purposes.

Except as expressly set forth herein, as between the Parties, each Party is and shall remain the owner of all intellectual property that it owns or controls as of the effective date of this agreement or that it develops or acquires thereafter. 

7. Privacy and Data Protection:

   – Qurate is committed to protecting student privacy and adheres to all applicable data protection laws, including GDPR, CCPA, and PIPEDA. The student privacy policy outlines how student data is collected, used, and protected.

Each Party shall respectively make or obtain throughout the term all necessary registrations or filings and notifications which it is obliged to obtain and maintain pursuant to applicable data protection laws, corporate security policies, procedures, standards. For the avoidance of doubt, each party shall comply with the data protection legislation and other laws or regulations as may be released from time to time

The Student agrees to comply with the requirements of the relevant and applicable data protection laws in the jurisdiction of studies. Where there is any breach of privacy of the data disclosed to the Student which occurs the course of their studies and due to the processing activities of the student and there are liabilities (financial or otherwise) from such breach, the student shall be liable for the breach in line with the relevant laws and regulations and shall indemnify Qurate where liability is ascribed to Qurate.  

8. Dispute Resolution:

   – Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination or validity thereof (“Dispute’) which arises between the Parties shall first be negotiated between appropriate senior executives of each party who shall have the authority to resolve the matter.

-In other words, where there is a dispute between the parties, the student shall first seek resolution through Qurate’s internal grievance procedures. However, any unresolved disputes would then be subject to arbitration or legal proceedings in the jurisdiction of Qurate’s headquarters or such other applicable jurisdiction where the dispute arose.

9. Amendment and Termination:

   – This Agreement shall continue in full force and remain effective until terminated as herein provided. However, this agreement may be amended only in writing with the consent of both parties. Either party may terminate the Agreement ONLY under the conditions outlined in the student handbook and for any breach of obligations by the Student.


-The Student shall indemnify and hold Qurate, its agents, officers, staff and employees harmless from any liability or loss resulting from judgments or claims for personal injury, including death and property damage against them arising out of the activities to be carried out pursuant to the obligations under this Agreement.  

– The Student shall also be liable for any damages resulting from any use or application of Qurate’s facilities and equipment and other related materials and shall defend and hold harmless and indemnify Qurate, its agents and employees against all claims, suits, actions, cost, expenses, damages, judgments and decrees, by reason of any person or property being injured or damaged by the student. The Student hereto agrees to notify the other as soon as one party becomes aware of a claim or action under this Agreement.        

11. Miscellaneous Provisions:

   – Force Majeure: Qurate shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations due to events beyond its reasonable control, including natural disasters, pandemics, and significant disruptions.

   – Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire agreement between Qurate and the Student, superseding all prior agreements and discussions.

   – Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in effect.

11. Acknowledgment and Signature:

   – By signing below, the Student acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Agreement and further agrees to abide and be bound by the provisions of the Student handbook issued by Qurate.

   – Signature of Student: _____________________    Date: ____________

   – Signature of Qurate Representative: _____________________    Date: ____________

This Agreement is effective upon the date of the last signature above.